Beyond the conditioning, the trauma, and a whole world of other people's ideas of what you should be.


If you’re like most men, 

you go through cycles of feeling like a loser with no purpose or direction,

and guarding behind a falsely grandiose sense of self.

Few of us have found an authentic sense of security and power

One moment you’re tense, and the next you’re exhausted.

Maybe you feel nothing. Numb.

Maybe you feel too much. Hyper-sensitive and hyper-vigilant.

Your relationships are generally disappointing.

Or you can’t even find a partner...

Either way, you know something is missing.

To top it off, you either blame yourself, 

or you have intense anger towards whoever made you this way. 

You meditate, you work out, you try to be a good husband, son, or father.

No matter what you do, it’s never enough.

On your worst days, you feel powerless to change. You feel hopeless that change is even possible.

Change … Even the word is daunting as fuck.

But you are so DONE with living this way... 

Imagine a life that just feels easy.

You want a life where you attract and maintain healthy relationships that actually work out, instead of creating stress or ending in pain.

You’re ready to get rid of those repetitive thoughts and behaviors that have created misery for decades, and create new habits to align with the life you want.

It’s time for you to have such a solid foundation that you feel unshakable no matter what life throws at you.

What if you could rebuild your life from the foundation up, based on who you truly are and what you actually want?

… and no, you don’t have to quit your job, move to Indonesia, or divorce your wife.

This upgrade is available to you, right here and now, in your current situation.

You have an infinite source of untapped power within you that, once unlocked, will correct your masculine misalignment and lead you to becoming a master of Self.

Mechanisms of Masculinity:

 A Tantric and Somatic Course in Embodied Liberation

Don’t spend another moment sitting around, waiting for a lucky break (which isn’t going to happen).

Don’t assume that something outside of you is going to fix your life. It's not.

Only YOU can unlock your own innate sense of freedom, peacefulness and power simply by following this path. 

Start Today
man practicing Tantric meditation on a mountain top


Explore what it truly means to be "awake" by learning through the direct experience of intentionally & knowingly
residing in the core of your purest Self.

a man with sexual presence and power after taking the Tantra for men online course


Unlock your primal force and develop mastery of your energies by using Tantric + Somatic technologies to achieve a deepened understanding of the primordial Self.

couple sitting in the Tantric position named Yab Yum


Learn how your relationships can be powerful doorways to deep healing, growth and spiritual Self-realization.


I’m 52 now, and I’ve never had a more satisfying sex life.

Before my first round of this course, I mostly avoided sex with my wife unless we had both had a few drinks. I relied on watching porn for my own excitement. My routine was always the same, and I actually thought that was enough for me.

Halfway through the course, I was already blown away by how much pleasure I’d been missing out on for my whole life.

By the end, I felt like a teenager again. Not to say that I was constantly looking for sex. Not at all. It’s just that I was having fun again. Like my world had opened up and sex was a relaxed exploration instead of a tension-filled duty. Oh, and my wife is pretty happy too. 

Bill P.

"The first module really blew my mind! There was so much in just that week.

The 'Who is the Tantric Man' meditation—I could have just used that every day for the full 4 weeks."

Andrew L.

The 12-Week Tantric + Somatic Online Course

in Embodied Liberation for Men

You are a masculine machine, but your mechanisms were fractured early in life. You were never given the understanding, the tools or the technology to repair, upgrade your system, and keep it powerful.

Learn Tantric and Somatic techniques and practices to repair your fractured systems, and uncover your most innate qualities of peacefulness and power.

Aaron Patrick - Tantric Yoga Teacher, Somatic Therapist, Relationship & Intimacy Coach


[Tantrik Technologist, Relational Integrative Somatic Therapist, Teacher & Musician]

I've been refining this masculine system for two decades. When I started practicing, teaching & coaching men just  like me. I realized that this system can work for any of us: married or single, gay, straight or other. Young or old. Religious or not. It's for everyone. 

I began my own journey with a keen interest in the profoundly spiritual potential of human relationship and through the study and application of the Tantric and Yogic sciences.

After much practice and the discovery that teaching, for me, was akin to breathing, I received a grace-bestowed transmission (Śaktipāta) that reactivated my yogic mission to act as a vessel to witness and support the healing and awakening of others.

For the last 20 years, I've continued to study, practice, apply and teach the science of Tantric Yoga, Somatic technologies, the internal martial art of QiGong, and what I call the 'Yoga of Conscious Partnership.'

What I discovered will blow you away! It turns out that what we really are is NOT what most of us believe at all. 

Equally as mind-blowing is that relationships and intimacy don't work the way we might think!

It's taken me 20 years, a few great teachers (and many not-so-great), co-leading a family of 8, plenty of major life-fails, addictions, plus serious personal + relational trauma AND recovery, but I've finally perfected these Mechanisms of Masculinity...

and I want to share this knowledge with you. 

Want to learn more about me and The Aum Institute? Click Here

The Mechanisms of Masculinity Online Course is the complete guide to upgrading the 6 Core Areas of your system.

a shirtless man practicing tantric meditation with his hands in a mudra in front of his heart



You'll begin by returning home to the heart of your experience as a masculine being, which is simply Awareness. It is the most fundamental aspect of reality, but so easily ignored. Allowing it to go unnoticed only perpetuates your suffering. Turning your attention towards it begets the re-discovery of who and what you really are. You will begin to identify the patterns and deeply rooted tensions which have severed you from the power of your purest Self. Empowered with new insight and clear direction, you will continue with the ultimate re-calibration and restoration of your entire life.

  • Discover the unshakable core of Awareness that is the base of your most authentic Self.
  • Learn a foundational step-by-step map for higher living to keep you on track, with your heart + mind clear and clean.
  • Gain new insight through direct experience with the support of authentic  techniques sourced directly from traditional Tantric Yoga.
an artistic image of a man with his heart and head opening after healing from attachment traumas and addictions. there is a little boy safely nestled in his heart


It would be rare for us to find a human that has made it to adulthood free from the traumatic effects of parental absence, relational abuse, loss, or sickness. Oftentimes, these events are so overwhelming to our young nervous and energetic systems that we were unable to respond in healthy ways, and instead adapted coping mechanisms to ensure our safety and survival.

The energy of these incomplete survival strategies  can become stuck in the body and imprinted deep in the mind. They become a part of the identity we subconsciously build for ourselves, and they negatively influence our reactions to the situations we are faced with in our adult lives.

Apparently time does not heal all wounds.

This module invites us to walk towards freedom by re-negotiating the stuck energies of the past.

  • Address the long-lasting effects of attachment, relational, and sexual trauma.
  • Restore a loving relationship with your inner child.
  • Build understanding of addiction, including the detrimental effects of porn addiction on the body/mind.
  • Develop a whole new attitude and awareness of your relational-sexual Self, and the relational-sexual Self of your partners.
a man using his hands to affect his energy body and ground his nervous system


Without regular system discharges, grounding and re-calibration, we become weakened, anxious, and eventually sickened by dis-ease. In this module, you will be provided with a clear and simple blueprint to build your foundation of energetic vitality, neural resiliency, and eventual self-mastery.

  • Discover the essential nature and value of regular nervous system discharges, re-calibrations, and grounding.
  • Develop sensitivity to the many ways in which you leak and suppress your energy by understanding how it can be dislodged, cultivated, circulated, and stored. 
  • Learn how to to structurally de-armour the tightness and tension in your body that is disrupting the free-flow of your powerful primordial life energy.
  • Experience the cleansing, invigorating, and balancing effects of Tantric and Somatic Breathwork.
an animation of energy flowing up the spine to the brain


This is so central to being human that you could almost consider it to be the most important stop on our 12-week journey. You will learn how to re-orient yourself to and comfortably reside within the central channel of life-energy.

  • Gain access to your energetic core through direct experience within a twelve-chakra system.
  • Learn straight-from-the-source Tantric technologies to unlock and awaken your life-energy.
  • Develop true energetic and spiritual Self-mastery as you learn to charge your system with the concentrated electricity of your own life force.
a multi-orgasmic man ravishing his female partner


In this module, you'll apply all of that Awareness and sensitivity you've developed during the previous modules to your sexual beliefs, sensations, and interactions. Finally you can show up with the sense of solid confidence that comes from deeply knowing your true Self, and become free of the fears that have come as the result of your past.

  • Go beyond the generic tips & tricks that other programs and books offer, and instead become somatically connected to your bodily sensations and unique sexual experiences.
  • Finally resolve your trauma, tension and sexual anxiety to become free of common dysfunctions, like ED and PE.
  • Free yourself from the obsessive and destructive need for more and more and more and more sex.
  • Learn the subtle secrets of cultivating and directing your powerful sexual energy for maximum pleasure, health, and vitality.
a closeup of a man and a woman's hands holding in relational union


Your relationship can be a powerful catalyst for joy, pleasure, and spiritual Self-realization. It's a wonderfully effective playground on which to expose and repair your early attachment wounds so that you may find healing and move towards a global sense of safety and security.

Unfortunately, most relationships are not being conducted in this manner. Most of us simply lack the understanding of the dynamics at play within ourselves and our relationships. Then, rather than healing and growing, we end up hurt, frustrated, and resentful. Often we end up moving further and further away from the closeness and connection we really want. 

Men are generally NOT experiencing the relationships they think they want, and I'm going to teach you why...

  • Become aware of your attachment wounds and begin to address the maladapted behavioural patterns that block you from forming strong connections with others.
  • Apply your newly found solid nature to your role as a father.
  • Open a doorway to experience empathy for the collective feminine sexual trauma (which affects us all).
  • Become clearer about what our partners actually want, both inside the bedroom and out. (It's probably not what you think... Why didn't we learn this in school?)
  • Have some fun learning new ways to give and receive pleasure, then go practice and explore!


Ryan W.

"I've gone through the course twice now. My first round was like laying a fresh foundation. It's almost like I was walking differently. I started taking less shit at work and acting less desperate when it came to sex with my wife.

The second round was not what I expected at all. The biggest change I experienced was with my kids, especially my son, who used to trigger me daily. Obviously the inner child stuff helped me , but I also now believe in myself as a father and a leader.”


"I registered for the course as I wanted to overcome the embarrassing shackles of premature ejaculation. I wanted to develop the ability to perform hours-long lovemaking sessions like musician Sting supposedly has mastered. The Tantric Man provided techniques to gain confidence and stamina in the bedroom, but I feel it has equipped me with tools for so much more.

During and after the course I feel I've come away as a better human and my self worth has greatly improved, something I've struggled with for the majority of my life.

I would highly recommend this course to all men looking to make improvements in all aspects of their personal and spiritual growth."

The Tantric Man: Online Course - Product Mock-Up


The Mechanisms of Masculinity Online Course Includes:

  • A comprehensive guide to upgrading the 6 Core Areas of your system 
  • Life-changing Tantric Yoga + Somatic techniques and practices starting in the first week
  • Freedom from your old patterns
  • Keys to unlocking confidence and mastery of the Self
  • Live 1:1 sessions to support your unique challenges
  • 3 months free access to the Member Portal with LIVE Tantric practices (new members only)
  • Lifetime access


→ I’ll get you started on the #1 daily habit, the only practice you need for the rest of your entire life. It’s in the first module because it’s THAT important

→ You'll receive meditations for Awakening, helping you to build a solid foundation of presence and giving you more patience and understanding for your partners, your children, your parents, and, most importantly, yourself.

→ Your accountability and commitment are an integral part of this course, increasing your confidence at work and at home.

→ During the 12 weeks, you'll have access to private email support from a Tantric woman. Ask any question that comes up and she will expertly guide you from a female's perspective.

→ Your romantic relationships - current and/or future - will be transformed by your personal growth. Learn how to touch, talk to, and relate to your partners in ways you weren't taught by watching your parents for all those years.


LIVE 1:1 Personal Sessions with Aaron

Each month, a limited number of men are invited into this program to accommodate the private sessions. 

As a course member, your transformation is of ultimate importance.

These sessions include somatic explorations of your personal struggles, exercises to support your growth, plus the opportunity to ask questions relevant to your life.


The private session I did was beyond valuable. It’s so rare to get that one-on-one attention in the online world, but Aaron was able to give me guidance on some stuff I was having trouble with for a very long time. I feel like I’m a better parent and son after working through these things.” - B.H.


Mechanisms of Masculinity:

A Tantric + Somatic Course in Embodied Liberation for Men.

A Complete System Upgrade

Start Your 12-Week Transformation Today

Sign Up Now